Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Once A Day Hoped For

  Today would have been our son James' due date. It's a little shocking to me how fast it has arrived. Like that doctor appointment you weren't ready for but here it is.
   I can't help but think about what I would be doing today if this was still his should be birth day. Although I know most babies don't arrive exactly on their due date, in fact most don't. He didn't.
  I go through my day today and I think to myself, would I go into labor right now? Would I have been induced? Then I remember that things are the way they are. There's no turning back the clock on this. He came as swiftly as he went.
  On this St. Patrick's Day I choose to remember him as the joy I had expected today. The joy of  promises of more birthdays to come, cries to answer in the night, books to be read about puppies and little boys like him. I shall be comforted by the promise I still have left, of seeing him in Heaven one day somewhere over the rainbow, our little pot of gold. We love you Carter James.


  1. Thinking of you today, lady! Hang in there :)

  2. Hugs to you; that is a mighty promise you have of seeing him in heaven one day and then being with him for all of eternity! And it is definitely a romise that will be kept!

