Thursday, March 17, 2016

Well This Is Awkward

  Hey y'all! It's been a while. So much has happened in the last few months since y'all have heard from me. The biggest and greatest event to happen was the birth of my 2nd child! Miller James was born on October 17th 2015 at 6:37am, weighting 5lb. 9oz. It was definitely the best day of 2015.
   After my last post in August something happened very unexpectedly the same day as my last blog post. My husband left me. He was in another state for 2 months, and didn't come back to town until Miller was born. When he came back I naively thought we would eventually work things out, but my husband had other plans. I could go on more, but there isn't much point in that. My only reason for sharing this information is to explain my absence from this blog. After he left I knew I couldn't just post here as if nothing had happened, but I also wasn't ready for everyone to know, although our friends and family already know.
   Well now that that slightly shocking bit is out of the way, back to the star of my show these days, Miller. You probably already figured out by now that he was a little early. About 4 weeks early. I was in labor for about 24 hours, which compared to the 36 hours with James felt like nothing.
   When I heard his first cry it made me cry. Because that was something I never experienced with James. After I held him for a few seconds they whisked him over to the NICU doctor and nurses and prepared him for the NICU. While I was in labor my doctor assured me that he probably wouldn't be in the NICU much longer than a day or two, but of course be prepared for a longer stay. Fast forward 38 days and we finally brought him home. Miller has what is called HIE(hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, basically oxygen deprivation), which caused him to need a g-tube and be fed with a feeding pump. The prognosis isn't great, but he is doing much better than anyone could have expected. HIE can have many varying degrees of severeness. I plan to elaborate on Miller's condition later, but I just wanted to bring y'all up to speed on our life since I last blogged as I have had very sweet messages from my blogging friends.
    I can't blog without mentioning that this day last year was James's due date. I actually had found out a few days before that I was pregnant with Miller. It's shocking how different my life looks now a year later. I had no idea the joy and sorrow that the next year would have for me and my family. The unexpected turns my life would take. The people that would come and go. It's true what they say about it's better we don't know what life has in store for us. It would be like reading ahead in a great book, you can't possibly focus on right now while you know what the end result will be.
  I plan to keep this blog's title. For one thing y'all all know me from this blog. But also because it truly is after the honeymoon...


  1. Oh sweet friend! so much transition. Praying for you in these next days & months. Keep pressing into the Lord. He is close to the broken hearted and saves those crushed in spirit!!

  2. I am so sorry for the hardship you've endured. I hope that you find lots of joy!

  3. He is so cute! So sorry with sll you have been through. Glad you updated, was wondering how you were doing. I still believe God will make and is making beauty out of ashes in your life.


  4. I'm sorry to hear all that you've been through, but it sounds like Miller is bringing you such joy! Keep your chin up!

  5. I am sorry to hear about your family, but glad that Miller is here. And 38 days is a long time in the NICU. Hats off to you mama.

  6. You are so strong Robyn! Bless your heart. Miller is adorable and Im so glad he is home safely with you!
