Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June Is Busting Out All Over!

   Hey y'all! I can't believe I've been out of blogging for 2 months!!! Maybe I got a little burnt out or uninspired after blogging every day (except Sundays) in April with the A to Z Challenge. Anyhow I'm hoping to get back into my blogging routine, I've missed it. But first I guess I should share some exciting news...I'm pregnant, again! And it's a little boy, again! Most of y'all reading this probably already know this. As of Monday this week I'm 20 weeks along (halfway there!!!) and I'm due on November 16th! A little Thanksgiving and Christmas baby.
   Dillon and I are so happy, as well as incredibly nervous given our first child's passing. But we're somewhat put at ease by the fact that my doctor will be keeping a very close eye on me and our child. I've also been seeing the specialists since about 12 weeks along. We would greatly appreciate y'all's prayers.
    Not too much other news in our household right now. The past 2 months are kind of a blur of doctor appointments and a little home improvement. Oh wait! We did go on a short vacation to Nags Head, which was great since we haven't been since our honeymoon and my parents haven't been in about 6 years. So it was really nice to go back, lots of family memories there! Plus it was neat that we ended up staying in a house our whole family had stayed in about 12 years prior.
    Here's some pictures from our trip, pictures of Baby H #2, and some of the home improvement hubby has done! Have a great Tuesday!

I was about 15 weeks along during our vacation! Baby H #2 was the size of  an Avocado!

Dillon put in a new floor and toilet! He actually ended up doing the same in my parents bathroom, and all because he tried to change a faucet haha! We try to improve and everything just starts to fall apart....

And finally here's our little boy at 19 weeks 1 day!!! He about the size of a zucchini here. Is it weird to equate our children to fruits and veggies?... 


  1. Congrats on baby #2!!! How exciting!! Great pictures from your trip too!


  2. I'm so glad you're back and congratulations! I know exactly how you feel, the April Challenge was exhausting! Looking forward to hearing more about how you're doing - take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks Pamela! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!

  3. welcome back to blogging!! and CONGRATS on another baby boy! I bet he will be the cutest thing :) i love your cute bump in that pink bikini!
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

    1. I meant to write this- I am so sorry about your first childs passing. I can't even imagine what you had to go through! he is probably watching down on you guys from heaven every singly day :)

    2. Thanks so much Candace! That's very sweet, I like to think he is too :)

  4. Congratulations! Your due date is the same date as my parents' anniversary. :-)
