Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Grocery Shopping

   Grocery shopping. Everyone's gotta do it! Unless of course you're a celebrity, in which case this post might actually still interest you. Because I'm not giving a how to on grocery shopping.
    You see there's certain things that when you get married or settle into a long term relationship that become kinda, I don't know, not so bad. Not so mundane. Except for washing dishes, that always stinks! Part of me believes that when you find the person for you how you know is by the fact that little things like that are special. It's not grocery shopping but just more cherished time together.
   It's the little things that you look back at and realize made up your life together. The little ordinary days and daily events, like organizing the closet, folding laundry, your morning routine, and yes grocery shopping. It's not that you really love what you're doing but that you love who you're doing those things with.
    Now we don't always do the grocery shopping together. I'll usually go with my mom during the week. But occasionally I'll get back and realize I've forgotten a few things. I find myself pretty lucky that if I ask Dillon to pick up the forgotten things on the way home he's never bothered. Thanks Dillon!
    When we do go together we go to Walmart. By the way, this is just a side-note if you shop at Walmart and you have a smartphone be sure to download the free savings catcher app. All you have to do is scan the barcode on your receipt, and it finds better deals at other stores and gives you back the difference which you can get back on an e-gift card. Anyways it's nice to have Dillon come with me because well he's taller and can reach all the high shelves haha! Plus he likes to complain with me about rude people in the store. We have very unique hobbies. Don't act like you're not bothered by those people that take up the whole aisle while they look for their cereal!
   Don't wish away little ordinary days like maybe the day you have ahead of you. Don't wish away the beautiful routine of your life together. Because it's one more day you get to be with the people you love. Each small not so special day is one day of the rest of your lives together, don't let it be wasted.
     P.S. For those of you who aren't attached if you wanna know if the next person is the one for you, go on a date but do something that usually bores you. If you'd still wanna be there then I'm pretty sure that person's a keeper!


  1. Luckily, there's a Walmart not far from my house, and it's on both my and Ole Boy's way home from work. We stop in and get what we want/need whenever we want/need it. We don't normally do a day of "grocery shopping" anymore since all the kids are gone. And we eat out...uh lot!

    1. It's always helpful to have a grocery store close by. Thanks for reading!

  2. That was a fun, and good read. Even after over thirty years of marriage, appreciating each day with him is important. I find I appreciate him much more now than I did in the beginning. Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

    1. That's so great, I love hearing couples say that appreciate their spouse more now than before. Thanks, and thanks for reading Lisa!

  3. We shop at Costco together... It's better when we shop together because when there's a big item like the oriental rug I just had to have... I didn't have to explain it. He was there when WE bought it. ;)

  4. I'm glad you mentioned that Savings Catcher thingy for Walmart. I signed up back in October and have saved close to $45 already! I'll take it! LOL with the people that take up all the room in the aisles too at the store, that's hubby's #1 complaint with grocery shopping.

    Honestly, I struggle with grocery shopping with hubby. He's one of those "let's look at every aisle whether we need anything from it or not" and I'm the opposite "I have a list, I have a purpose, let's get it done". I'm learning to be grateful that we have money to go grocery shopping and learning to slow down in the store, but it is a work in process!


    1. Wow, that's a huge savings! He's meticulous I guess. Thanks for reading Betty!

  5. My husband's Asian culture was so evident when we first got married because if I said I was going to the grocery store, he always wanted to come with me. He just wasn't used to the women in his family (that was me!) going out on their own. It drove me bananas for a while because I had been very independent before we got married but now, unless he's at work and I have to run out during the day, I can't imagine going shopping without him. We have so little time together due to his work that it's just one more opportunity for us to do things together.

    1. That's nice how it's become tradition for y'all! Thanks for reading Pamela!

  6. That's good to know about the savings app! Hubby and I like grocery shopping together. It's just one more way to spend time together, and we also like to complain to each other about the people who were annoying.

    1. Haha I'm glad to know we're not the only people that do that! Thanks for reading Danielle!

  7. This is a fun blog! I so agree about enjoying the everyday things when you're in a good relationship! I never ever grocery shopped with my ex-husband; it always ended in an argument and eventually he just spent no time with me. On the other hand, I'm in a very serious relationship now, and love shopping with him! I don't even mind helping him fold clothes or washing the dishes when I'm at his house. Good luck with the rest of the challenge!

    Shelly, blogging at with the theme "Words Matter" and with the theme "Lifehacks for Christian Moms."

    1. I'm glad you found someone you can shop with! Thanks for reading Shelly!
