Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bedroom Habits

   Bedroom habits, every couple's got 'em! That thing they have to do every night before they hit the hay. For Dillon and I our nightly routine includes a little Netflix watching(usually One Tree Hill, Glee, or some movie we haven't seen since we were kids), decaf coffee for me and Dr.Pepper for him, laughing about dumb things that enter our heads, sometimes I'll be checking other people's blogs, and mostly every night we're both perusing our phones. Yes I know, we're super exciting!
    Some couples don't keep a t.v. in their bedroom. One reason being it keeps the two of you from really connecting and talking to each other. For us we're the kind of people that talk about every part of the show we're watching. So while we might not be in deep thoughtful conversation every night, we do have a good time discussing our shows.
   Some couples don't allow food or beverages of any kind. For us we always say no food or drink in our bedroom, but then it hits around 9:30pm and ice cream sounds like a good idea.
   Some couples choose to read a good book before bed. For us that's only an occasional bedtime occurrence. And when we do read at bedtime, we is me. Dillon's not much of a reading guy. He likes to say he reads a lot of things on the internet. So I guess he's just not a book guy. Although I did catch him in the book section of Target once. He didn't buy anything.
   Whatever your bedroom habits are, how did you come about them? Are they just things you've always done? Are there things you've banned in your bedroom? Or maybe have thought of banning but just haven't? I'd love to hear y'all's thoughts!


  1. I'm one of those people that can't hang out in my bed or I'll never fall asleep! We do all of these same things every night - just on the couch :)

    1. Same routine, different venue! I must be one of those people that doesn't sleep all through the night but doesn't know it. Because once it's time for bed I could fall asleep anywhere haha! Thanks for reading Katie :)

  2. We have never had a TV, having decided while we were dating that they were detrimental to our communication. As for rituals, about a half hour before we go to bed, Ornery rides the exercise bike and I read to him, then discuss what we are reading. Then he takes a shower and I write in my journal. Then we turn off the lights and go to sleep. I don't think we have ever done midnight snacks, in bed or otherwise. After supper, we are done, and usually that is the lightest meal of the day. We will celebrate 36 happy years together next month, so I guess it is working... :)

    1. Congratulations on 36 years! Thanks for reading :)

  3. It is cute to read about your bedroom habits :) We pretty much have about the same except these days not food since at our age (in the 50s, 60s, I'm the younger one) we have to be careful what we eat. One thing we did ban was not to have the kids sleep with us when they were younger. If they were sick, I went to them and spent the night with them. I think it helped not to have them in the bed with us so that hubby, the bread winner so to speak, could get a good night sleep. We also years later were going to ban the dog from sleeping with us on the bed, well, let's just say that ban didn't work :)


    1. Dogs have kinda a mind of their own haha! Thanks for reading Betty :)

  4. ha! we have TV in our room too and we have midnight snack in there too! thanks for always stopping by~!

    1. I'm glad to know we're not alone. I enjoy checking your blog! Thanks for reading Lili!

  5. We are at an empasse. I do not want a TV but LT thinks we need to put one in there. He says he has even bought the speakers! As for routine, Gavin (our dog) goes to bed between 9 and 9:30. I am usually with him and will read in my kindle, maybe my computer and playing games on my phone until I am tired. Then I will start the diffuser with Thieves oil. LT will join when the news is done. It works for us!

    1. Haha he sounds pretty hopeful! We hardly ever stay up for 11pm news. Thanks for reading Laura!

  6. Ole Boy and I parted bedroom ways years ago! Between his snoring...and the dog's snoring...and the fact that he couldn't sleep without a TV on, I was getting no sleep. Me without sleep makes for a grouchy chick! "When mama ain't happy...ain't nobody happy!" I think having my own bedtime space saved our marriage!

    1. I could not sleep with the t.v. on, my husband used to do that when it was just him though! Thanks for reading!

  7. My wife likes just lying in bed and watching TV and I have a difficult time as I like to be up doing things. I go to bed when I'm ready to sleep--usually between 10 and 11. My wife is usually in bed between 8:30 and 9:30--no way that I can go to sleep that early unless I'm not feeling well.

    No food in our bedroom. Sometimes I'll read before I go to sleep as reading does make me sleepy, but usually I don't because I don't want the light to bother my wife. And if she's watching TV I have a difficult time reading.

    But between 11 PM and 5 AM it's usually mostly peaceful sleep time for both of us.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. I usually go to bed at 10pm. Thanks for reading Arlee!

  8. Husband eats in bed. 25 years later. I still can't stand it. He's always sorry when I find crumbs. Just the way it is.

    1. Some things never change I guess haha! Thanks for reading Kate!

  9. Nick (my husband) as always worked a swing shift and recently got stuck on straight nights. I work Mon - Fri during the day, so we're not very happy about that. It means we don't have much of a bedtime routine together since we spend so much time on opposite schedules. We're both big readers, so more often than not fall asleep with a book. No TV in the room for us, and because of the pets no food/drinks in the bedroom usually.

    1. Yeah I doubt we'd have food in our bedroom if we had pets too. My brother works nights so they have kinda the same thing going on. Thanks for reading Danielle!

  10. We're the no TV, no food sort of folks. Though you guys look like you're having fun, so maybe we should try it!

    1. We're just glad to have time together, thanks for reading Elizabeth!

  11. I like to read before I go to sleep :)

    1. I can't usually concentrate come bedtime, so most of my reading is in the afternoon. Bedtime occasionally. Thanks for reading Tangerine :)
