Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dinners, Deals, & Doctors

   Hey y'all! I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving! We celebrated with my parents, my grand-daddy, and my brother and sister-in-law, and nieces on Thanksgiving night over here. Then on Friday we went and celebrated Thanksgiving and my mother-in-law's birthday at my in-laws and brother-in-law house. So we had a very nice holiday! Lots of food, lots of family, and a few good deals on Black Friday.
   Here's our table for dinner over here:

   As for the good deals I found here's one I can share(since the others are Christmas presents).
   I found these curtains at Walmart for our bedroom. I've been wanting to find something new for our windows, right now I have lace curtains that I picked out when I was 13. So I was thrilled to find these! They were on sale for $5 for a 2 panel pack. I remember last year they kept quite a few of the items on sale at Walmart after Black Friday, so you might be able to still find them!

    Last week Dillon and I put up our Christmas tree.

    Here's Baby H's very 1st Christmas ornament:
       And here's the finished product:

 I just love the glow of a Christmas tree!
    Sunday Dillon and I lit the 1st candle of the advent season at our church. The Hope candle.

  As we go through all of these traditions I can't help but get excited thinking about next year when Baby H is here to celebrate with us. Each ritual and event brings a whole new meaning to me this year.
   Speaking of Baby H, I just had an appointment with my doctor today! I'm 25 weeks on the dot, he's 1lb 9oz. and is the size of a napa cabbage. He probably has a hair color at this point, which I'm guessing will be very dark since Dillon and I have dark hair. He can also tell which way is up and which way is down, at least that's what my app tells me haha! I'm suppose to see my doctor again in exactly 4 weeks(December 30th) to have my glucose test. Eeek! I'm praying that all of my numbers are in the normal range, I'd appreciate y'all's prayers as well.
  Here's his pictures from the appointment:

    Here's his profile! So precious!

    Here's his foot! They told me it's measuring just under 2 inches which to me is pretty long!

    Sorry for the overload on pictures. There's just so many things I wanted to share! It kinda feels like forever since I've done a post. Thanks for reading y'all!